What causes dry eye syndrome?
Dry eye syndrome is a common condition in which there is a deficiency in the quality and/or quantity of tears produced by the eyes. Tears perform an important function for the eye in keeping it clean, lubricated, providing nutrition and establishing a smooth surface at which the eye refracts light.
Typical symptoms of dry eye include dry or gritty sensation, scratchiness, itching, burning, pain, eyelid heaviness, intermittent blurred vision and intermittent tearing. Symptoms are usually worse later in the day, with prolonged use of the eyes and in conditions of heat, wind and low humidity.
Many patients with dry eye syndrome complain of intermittent tearing. Normally the lids produce a small amount of tears to keep the eyes lubricated and healthy. If this baseline tearing is of poor quality or of insufficient quantity to keep the eyes healthy, a message will be sent to the brain to cause a reflex flow of tears from the main lacrimal gland. This is usually a large volume of watery tears that may not provide adequate lubrication. In other cases, the eyes may attempt to make up for poor-quality tears with an increased quantity of tears. In either case, artificial lubricants can help decrease the tearing.